Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tao Te Ching

When I opened my Tao Te Ching book, chapter 56 was in front of me. The first time I read it, I understood almost all of it. I looked over it again and also looked it up online to see what other versions I could find. I found one version of chapter 56 that had the title "impartiality". What this means is basically making decisions based on the facts and objective materials, not based on bias or prejudice.

The first part of the chapter states, "Those who know do not talk. Those who talk do not know." I think this basically means that those who understand things don't go preaching it to everyone, and those who think they know it all (when really they don't) are the ones to preach.

I think the next section means to live simply, and don't over-do it. Don't listen to yourself or your senses, and don't try to judge other people. I think the line "mask your brightness" means to be humble. Just because you have special talents or good looks doesn't mean you have to show yourself off.
The last 2 lines in this section talk about "being at one with the dust of the earth". I think this basically means accept the world as it is.

The last section of this chapter talks about what happens after you achieve this state. When you are not affected by "friends & enemies, good & harm, and honor & disgrace", the world will accept you. The last line states "This therefore is the highest state of man".

Does anyone have anything else to add?

1 comment:

  1. I would have to agree with you on the part about it saying you should be humble. However, I do not get the same feeling or read the same meaning from the being at one with the dust of the earth.

    I think that this section pertains to the whole of being humble, it sounds like another metaphor to this point. I also get the feeling that it is sort of saying that things are not as hard as we make them out to be and that if we simplify them they become less problematic. I also think that the part about masking your brightness is about a form of intellectual deception, hide your true knowledge from others so that you don't over complicate things or blind people, but while doing this sticking with simplifying and humility little quips of intellect are acceptable so long as it is not for the glorification of yourself because down that road leads to vanity and superficial ways.
