Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Path Less Traveled

It can sometimes become very difficult to understand things when you read them. With this reading I found myself enjoying it and getting the gist of what was being said, however then I began to become confused and even disagree with what I thought was being presented.

I came to realize that this section "the hard way" was more a metaphor and disclaimer than it was anyhing else. It says basically "Nothing is Ever Easy"(TG) , and that sometimes the most difficult thing to do is be accepting of the way things are, whether its a truth about yourself, the fact that someone you know has just died or even that you in all your imperfect perfection at your very core and being could be just like everyone else. There is a saying that states you can not dislike or like something about yourself without liking or disliking those same qualities about yourself. This relates to the stripping yourself down to the core and being vulnerable, because perhaps you didn't realize the things you dislike most in others were things that whether you meant to or metaphorically have and show. This section seemed to be saying that this way is not for the faint of heart, its not all happy and spoon fed, and that the only way to follow this path is to have someone impartial and unbiased to help you get to that place of "nakedness" to the universe.

Tough stuff.


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