Thursday, January 28, 2010

Do not fear death, and do not be afraid to Suffer

In order to live we must suffer. Suffering is a part of life. For wanting things and longing for things we suffer. However, those things that we want for we may not need and those things that we think we need, we probably do not; and yet still we suffer longing. Without craving we are at peace at a state of Nirvana, but to be able to want for nothing... does that truly create a contented man, or is it merely an illusion? Human's want, they crave, what they do not have. In order to achieve Nirvana these feelings must be cast aside, but in doing so are we casting aside a part of ourselves; a part of our beings? This also brings up the question of what is self? How do you know that you are truly yourself?
There is no self. This is a concept that the ways of Taoism try to teach us. If we can free ourselves from attachment, and desire then we will truly be pure and free. This kind of freedom will not bring happiness to all though. There must also be acceptance. Acceptance of death is a big one. There is no cure for death. In the Four Noble Truth's, the woman, Gotami, found this out as she went around trying to find medicine for her dead son. There is no medicine for the dead but he was driven so mad with grief that she tried to seek some out. She soon learned that death comes to everyone eventually and she learned to accept that. No one can escape death. It just comes to you when your time is up, the important thing is not to fear it, though. Because in acceptance of something that is beyond your control you will be free.

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