Monday, February 8, 2010

A Sense of the Senseless

The reading we had was interesting in that it compared the ideas of modern physics with the ideas of eastern philosophers. I like the part in the reading where it speaks about how we can't really "experience" the sub atomic world with our macro senses. Which to me sounds like a Koan, because it seems counter intuitive to believe that you cant experience something that is all around you and yet you can pseudo-experience things beyond your sense range. It's almost like saying you can look with your eyes but you wont see, you can listen with your ears but you wont hear, you can touch with your hands but you wont feel, etc.... The idea being that with language we can't express the true nature of reality because with words they donate connotation, meaning, and a preconceived notion of what something is or will be. So theoretically to experience the true nature of the world one could try to experience the experience-less, See the Unseen, etc...

I wonder what it would be like to conceive without attachment and knowledge, without language...what would things be like then?

The Purpose of the video above is to entice questions about an idea that Final Fantasy has incorporated into idea about something called the "life stream" check it out ^_^

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