Tuesday, February 16, 2010


One of the first things I read was how "The discovery of quantum nonlocality- the ability of particles to exert subtle influences on each other instantaneously across vast distancess- is confirming the ancient mystical teaching that all things are profoundly interconnected." reminded me of Newtons laws of motion.

For instance, how objects remain in motion and in a straight line or standing still unless acted upon by another force, or for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So if that's the case then I would have to agree with that statement because if a particle just moves it will bump into another one and cause that one to move and so forth. Think about the air that is around you. When there is no breeze you don't feel the wind difference and yet particles are bouncing into you all the time, hint "subtle influences". The same goes for telling the difference in change of temperature in the air. You notice it right off the bat if there is a huge influence like the wind and you feel the cold nipping at your skin but you dont't notice it as much if there is no breeze or major movement of air particles across your skin until you get those random goose bumps up your arm or down your back. Those air particles you didn't notice before exerted a subtle influence on your skin to cause your body to react and give you goose bumps. The wind also affects the way water moves or how the plants obtain their CO2 and disperse their offspring. There are many different examples with the sun and water , earth and its cycle. I could go on forever but I thought the wind would be one of the easiest to try and explain. In addition though if you think about, if particles weren't able to exert a subtle influence then we would not have the tides in the oceans and bodies of water from the moon or gravity, or if the influences would be strong and not subtle then life would be a lot harsher than it already is because then you would be noticing all of the particles that were hitting your skin all the time like little pokes that you can't get rid of and I don't know about you but that would drive me crazy. I like to thank the fact that everything can be affected by a subtle influence. From these examples and just the shear fact that if you do something it will have an equal and opposite reaction means that everything, not just because we are made of the same or very similiar particles, is interconnected. No matter what you do you will exert a subtle influence on something that will exert another influence onto something and so forth and who knows maybe that force you exerted even though subtle will some how make its way back to you whether you notice it or not.

Its like Karma or other things if you do something good some good will follow if you do something bad it will come back and haunt you in the future. However, it also goes on a much deeper level than that. Just to smile at someone as you pass them on the street even if you don't know them can make their day. Studies have shown that depressed people even those that are suicidle can change their mind and wind up having a better day/life if someone just shows a small gesture, "subtle influence", of kindness towards them like a smile. You can send a vibe towards people without noticing it like a bad, good, sexual, or nervous vibe, it doesn't really matter and they will pick up on it. Going back to the fact of how the particles have subtle influences and how they can be better than a strong influence they can also be related to this. If you send out a vibe to someone too strong, like in body language, it could be over powering and actually push them away where as if its subtle they will be more willing to approach you and not so over whelmed. Now I am not saying that this will work in everycase or even all the time just that I have noticed this pattern throughout life. But the most important thing is to remeber how even the most subtle influences one exerts on something, may it be emotions, physical etc, it can be some of the most important influences one can make and it can dramitcally influence/change something for better or for worse.

Links for Newton's law and examples from NASA



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