Monday, February 8, 2010

Reality and thought and paradoxes

In this passage the author is trying to get across to the reader, the fact that it is very difficult to explain Taoism in words. Most of what people learn about Taoism comes from non-verbal interactions. Philosophers tend to speak in a form of riddle, which is intended to make the person stop thinking. Because the only way to solve the riddle is to rid your mind of rational thought. This is the only way to truly experience reality. By exposing the paradoxes in their sayings right from the start they show the reality of what they are talking about. By thinking to much about the actual words that are said you completely miss their meaning.
When working with philosophy you can't just use your mind; cognitive thought will only get you so far. You must actually understand it with your whole being. this can be done by removing your brain from the equation. Without that you have no choice but to just absorb it into yourself and then instead of confusing yourself by trying to break it apart and understand it, you just accept it.

And here's a god paradox for you!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I like the commics that you posted they help support your comment as well as provide some humor. In addition I agree with what you where saying about how we have to open our minds to truly see what is there even if it means just accepting things the way they are.
