Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Flickering nobility

Merriam-Webster lists several definitions for the word "noble," but the one that always prickled me is "possessing, characterized by, or arising from superiority of mind or character or of ideals or morals." Nobility is an aspect of Eastern philosophy that does not resonate with me, though I believe that I understand the mindset behind it. It is indeed hard to do evil or be driven to indulgent excess if you have no attachment, but to me there is always the feeling that detachment is an easy way out. I am certain that this argument has been addressed by Eastern philosophers and scholars in the past, and I am not trying to advocate for wanton immersion in earthly distraction. But I do believe you cannot have balance without plunging into extremes from time to time. I do not think it negates your self-awareness to live shallowly at times, just as a contemplative state will not bar you from enjoying yourself. Nobility, I feel, need not be a constant condition.
As far as the belief that life is suffering is concerned...I have never felt this to be true. I believe that suffering is intrinsic to the journey all living beings undertake, but I do not believe that it defines our existence. Indeed, there is no need to define existence in such a broad scope. Suffering tempers happiness, joy wears down the jagged edges of hardship. To steep too long in one "truth" is a course that will never interest me...I am too intrigued by the other facets of possibility.

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