...Well-organized as either a research paper or a contribution/advancement of an existing conversation. Every quality paper will include a thesis statement.
...Well informed and grounded in multiple sources from multiple media including some published essays, books, or articles.
...Uploaded to our CAMS website by April 30th, 2010
Up until April 23rd you are invited to meet with your instructor to discuss a first draft of your paper. Please make an appointment in advance and provide me with an electronic copy (via email) of your draft at least one day before our meeting.
In class on Groundhog Day we agreed that presentations should:
1. Be well informed
2. Demonstrate a mindful approach to classroom leadership (honoring multiple teaching styles; making sure that the approach fits the content; being efficient with class time; using effective visual, audio, and demonstration aids)
3. Include an opportunity for feedback in order to improve individual and class presentation quality
As audience members we will show respect by
1. Attending and being on time
2. Engaging by asking questions, participating in activities, etc.
3.2 - "The Real Fear" from No Death, No Fear, by Thich Nhat Hanh
2.24. - "The Perennial Philosophy of Huston Smith" from Rational Mysticism
2.2 - Choose presentation topic for next class. No blog post necessary. Yet.
1.28 - "The Eight-Fold Path" from "The Big View" website
1.27 - "The Four Noble Truths," and "No-Self" from The Teachings of the Buddha 1.26 - "The Hard Way" in Modern Buddhist Bible 1.24 - "Magic Book" activity: Tao Te Ching
1.21 - "Magic Book" activity: Tao Te Ching
Oh, Gareth, you make me laugh ;)